Covid-19 Management


Risk Assessment

Each workplace has its own unique risk factors. Some of which may not be obvious. We believe that the success of any workplace safety initiative depends on taking the time and effort to accurately identify all risks.

We evaluate how your organization or business works and try to identify risks in the process. We also study the physical infrastructure to see what surfaces are risky, how air circulates, the proximity of staff and customers and so on.

It is also crucial to determine the effectiveness of existing safety measures. For instance, cleaning products and methods, quality of PPE and screening equipment.

What risks factors are in your workplace? Let us help you find them. Talk to us today.


Home-based Care

Home-Based Care is one of the best strategies when it comes to managing cases of Covid-19. In the unfortunate event that a member of staff has tested positive, getting help from a hospital is not guaranteed because the country’s healthcare systems are currently overloaded. The Ministry of Health launched the Home-Based Isolation and Care protocols as a way of relieving pressure from government facilities.

An estimated 78% of infected persons are asymptomatic or have mild symptoms which can be managed at home. To be eligible for Home-Based Care, a patient should have:

  •     Laboratory confirmed Covid-19 results
  •     Mild symptoms of Covid-19, or none
  •     Absence of co-morbidities such as chronic cardiovascular disease, diabetes, cancer and chronic respiratory disease
  •     Access to a suitable space for home-based isolation and care

In order to carry out Home-Based Care a patient must liaise with a healthcare worker and the government. Motire OSHS makes this process easier for the patient and the employer by ensuring that all guidelines are followed while the patient is receiving is receiving the best care. Using the Telehealth approach, Motire OSHS delivers a comprehensive Home-Based Care plan that includes the following:

  • Assessing the patient
  • Training on critical skills regarding home-based care
  • Daily monitoring and evaluation
  • Filling out and submitting all the paperwork required by the government

    Following a successful quarantine, the patient is discharged and is advised on how to resume normal life.